Monday, March 3, 2014

Thinking Again

Since leaving Midstate I’ve been finding that I once again have enough brain space to think.

Y’know, that was going to be the opening line for a bog post about what I’ve been thinking about. I’m sure that post would have been fantastic, it having been written by me after all, but let’s take a moment and celebrate the fact that there are once again thoughts in my head.

 The books I’m reading have enough space in my head to bounce around a bit, ramming into other thoughts and sticking loosely, like a ball of Silly Putty bouncing around a room. Connections are formed, this thought creating associations with that until there’s a web of connections, some reaching backwards in time to thoughts I’d forgotten about. I consider ramifications, turn the thoughts over and over, trying to see how they fit into the larger construct I’ve been working on for decades I like to call “How Gabrielle Sees the World”.

I feel like someone who digs out their old paints, the brushes awkward in hands that used to know every splinter and groove. The first few canvases might be ham-handed and overdrawn, colors badly mixed and lines out of whack, but they’re bright, colorful, full of the joy of rediscovery. The old skill will return in time.

Today I shall think about this return to joy. I will dwell on the feeling of happiness, like little bubbles, on the ricochet of thoughts that shakes other idea loose. Perhaps tomorrow I shall think about something else. 

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